East Asia

East Asia

East Asia is the geographical area that is climatically determined by the non-tropical monsoon rains. According to Countryaah.com, the region of East Asia includes the following nations: JAPAN CHINA MONGOLIA NORTH KOREA RUSSIA (North Amur area only) SOUTH KOREA TAIWAN Japan Japan is a country in East Asia. It consists of an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Korean Peninsula. The name is often translated as “Land of…

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Taiwan Arts and Literature

Taiwan Arts and Literature

Literature During the 1950’s, anti-communist works dominated without literary value. Since the beginning of the 1960’s, the white essence, the central empire, which is often rooted in classical traditions but which also includes modernist works inspired by surrealism, and the historical novel are the foremost of the genres. Young writers in the circle of the Modern Literature magazine (founded in 1960) were strongly influenced by Western trends, mainly by Joyce,…

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Taiwan Sightseeing Places

Taiwan Landmarks

Best time to go to Taiwan It is often said that there are no seasons in Taiwan, but you should take the time into account when planning your trip. Usually autumn (September to November) is best for travel because the weather conditions are usually warm and dry, air pollution is low and prices are lower. Spring can be clear and dry, but can also be wet and gray, sometimes even…

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