Large parts of the hinterland consist of desert

The United Arab Emirates consists mostly of a flat and monotonous desert coast. Outside the 640 km long coastline lies a series of sandy islands and coral reefs. On the Musandam Peninsula in the northeast, the Hajar Mountains rise to over 2000 meters above sea level. Rows of sand dunes in the interior.


The climate in the United Arab Emirates is hot and dry, with high humidity. Average temperature in January 18 °C, in August 33 °C. Precipitation amount of 75-125 mm which comes as winter rain.

Large parts of the hinterland consist of desert

Detailed climate information on the United Arab Emirates on the World Meteorological Organization’s websites.

Geography and environment

FAE is a desert state with a 640 kilometer long coastline of sandy islands and coral reefs, and an ocean area that was previously important for pearl fishing. The inland consists of desert; on the Musandam Peninsula there are the Hajar Mountains on the border with Oman. The climate is warm and dry – with summer temperatures above 50 ° C, with high humidity at the coast.

The natural conditions make the species diversity of the flora small, with substantially low bushes inland and some trees, especially date palms, in the oases ; mangrove forests are planted on the coast. Among the mammals are especially rodents and reptiles, as well as gazelles, foxes, sand cats, and desert yarns. Nearly 450 bird species are found in the country, of which ten are endangered. In the ocean are several fish species, including mackerel, sea ​​bass and tuna, as well as shark and whale.